September 2-7, 2011, Spetses, Greece

FEBS Youth Travel Fellowship (YTF) and Transcontinental Grands (Trans YTF)

A number of FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF) and Transcontinental (Trans YTF) grants for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers within five years of obtainig a PhD will be available covering registration fees and travel.
Young Scientists from the non-FEBS countries (North and South America, Africa and Asia) may be eligible to obtain TransYTF grants.
Whereas the registration fee covering living expenses will send directly to the course organizers, the travel award is transferred to YTF recipients, unless for foreign exchange reasons he/she requests it to be sent also to course organizers.
Eligibility criteria to obtain YFT grants or Trans YTF grants from non-FEBS countries or continents are described in detail in the guidelines on the FEBS homepage.
Deadline for FEBS YTF application: April 29th, 2011